To be honest - Webflow is a great tool. Strong brand under dynamic websites with strong animation tool that is not only why we use this platform. .
Gecko WebStudio conducts a deep research of the reliability of web tools and platforms
Webflow has a long history from a small startup in 2013 to one of the leaders in the web industry in 2024.
In the ever-evolving landscape of web design, one platform stands out as a beacon of innovation and versatility—Webflow. Renowned for its intuitive interface, powerful features, and cutting-edge capabilities, Webflow has solidified its position as the go-to platform for designers and businesses alike in 2023-24.
Webflow’s interesting facts:
- Webflow’s numbers today are staggering: the company has 888 employees by 2023;
- In 2022, the company has spent 9 million hours in zoom meetings;
- In investments of 72M and 140M Webflow valuation today is $4B;
- Community of 3.5M Webflow users;
- In 2021, a total of 87,000 fonts were used across all Webflow sites;
- 4M visitors p/ month;
Do you know that Webflow sites locate on top of Amazon Web Services (AWS), with several redundancies in place. Amazon servers are regularly monitored for unauthorized access and audited. In additional here are two Tier 1 CDNs (content delivery networks), so it's guaranteed to load fast all over the world.
our webstudio works with those we trust
Webflow's rise as a trend-setting platform is driven by its seamless blend of functionality, aesthetics, and user experience. As the digital landscape evolves, Webflow remains firmly at the forefront, undoubtedly shaping the future of web design.